Shoulder, Elbow, & Hand
PSF - Phonemic Awareness Segment and Blend Phonemes
The purpose of this activity is for the student to practice segmenting and blending the sounds, or phonemes, in words. The student will use his or her extended arm and tap out the sounds in three places - shoulder, elbow, and hand.
Warm Up

We are going to tap out the sounds in words by using our arm. Stretch your left arm out straight. Now hold up your pointer and middle fingers on your right hand.

Watch me. The word is "sit." I tap my shoulder for the first sound, /s/. Then I tap my elbow for the second sound, /i/. Then, I tap my hand for the third sound, /t/.

The last step starts at the shoulder. I slide my fingers down the entire arm while blending the sounds: /sssiiiit/.


Let's do the word "hat" together. What's the first sound? Where do I tap (/h/, shoulder)? Second sound (/a/, elbow)? Third sound (/t/, hand)? All together: /hhhaaat/.
If Correct: Good job. Now it's your turn.

If Incorrect: Let's try "hat" again. Say /h/ (wait). Now say /a/ (wait). Now say /t/ (wait). And slide them together: /hhhaaat/, hat.

Gesture with student and say sounds together.
Demonstrate. Student should say the sounds.

Now it's your turn. Your word is "fun."
If Correct: Very good. You're ready for some more words.

If Incorrect: Let's try "fun" again. Say /f/ (wait). Now say /u/ (wait). Now say /n/ (wait). And slide them together: /fffuuunnn/, fun.


Your next word is…

Fish Correct: /f/.../i/.../sh/, fish
Nail Correct: /n/.../ai/.../l/, nail
Hose Correct: /h/.../oa/.../s/, hose
Wide Correct: /w/.../ie/.../d/, wide

Not Correct: /n/.../o/.../t/, not
Mad Correct: /m/.../a/.../d/, mad
Fit Correct: /f/.../i/.../t/, fit
Make Correct: /m/.../ai/.../k/, make

Mouse Correct: /m/.../ow/.../s/, mouse
Ask Correct: /a/.../s/.../k/, ask
Chill Correct: /ch/…/i/…/l/, chill
Face Correct: /f/…/ai/…/s/, face

Sun Correct: /s/…/u/…/n/, sun
Big Correct: /b/…/i/…/g/, big
Mice Correct: /m/…/i/.../s/, mice
Tell Correct: /t/…/e/…/l/, tell

Net Correct: /n/…/e/…/t/, net
Kid Correct: /k/…/i/…/d/, kid
Bag Correct: /b/…/a/…/g/, bag
Ship Correct: /sh/…/i/…/p/, ship